APRIL 28, 2016 – From sludge to compost: Montague’s Water Pollution Control Facility works its magic upon our effluent. Across town, the Selectboard addresses another human byproduct (noise). St. Kaz prepares to make some noise in support of a young community member undergoing treatment in Boston. The Montague Broadband Committee seeks to remove MBI from the funding decision. In Montague Center, a local PA recounts her Haiti mission. Part VI of our Eye on Town Finances finds us tapping into reserve funds. In Erving, we recap the selectboard meeting and preview the town meeting, while the police deal with bears, brush fires, and bulky waste. Wendell’s state rep navigates around a parked train to make a packed selectboard meeting. A guest editorial offers further thoughts on the Leverett Transfer Station, and Gill’s conservation committee offers up education and rain barrels.
MoRe: A Montague dog’s raisin binge leads to an expensive vet visit and an extensive literature search. How do you deal with ants in your house? One Northfield man tore his down and built a chateau — our correspondent has the story. Wendell prepares to host a permaculture film; our critic offers a review. West along the River takes stock of April. The Healthy Geezer evaluates the addictive potential of nicotine gum. The Pets of the Week go together. Our Spanish language page, Aquí se habla español, returns and invites reader submissions. Plus: photos from the spring parade; the week in TFHS sports; the ever-popular Montague Police Log; and event listings to keep you busy through the weekend and beyond.