Read the latest on Montague PD’s suspension from its prescription drug drop-off program and a regional anti-crime task force. Musicians, rejoice: Replay Gear is coming to Turners! Gill’s selectboard reviews part-time employees, while Leverett discusses the effects of water turmoil in Amherst. We’ve got a preview of the TFHS fall sports season. Our editorial looks at issues of fossil fuel development and land sovereignty. Letter writers address the Gill-Montague Education Fund, provide additional details about the charter school ballot question, and promote apples for the taking.
MoRe: Oystergirl walks us through making broth. A community-minded Wendell writer “starts all things literary, and carries them out with stealth.” The Gardener’s Companion enjoys a summer’s bounty while looking ahead to the next growing season. Local designers prepare to “flaunt the glorious unnecessary” in the latest incarnation of a beloved fashion tradition, TF-style. Looking for the Children’s Page? It’s landed in Section A this week — check it out and make some corn dolls. Plus: 100 Years of the Big E, Weird Healing, Pet of the Week, Weirdnesses of the Thyroid, the latest Farmers Market interview, the Montague Police Log, and arts and events listings to fill up your weekend.