Montague ponders sewer rates and receives sobering news about infrastructure. Wendell grapples with land restrictions, a yard full of junk, and an empty pond. Erving hears pipeline concerns, prepares for a town administrator search, discusses raises, and gets updates on projects. A dispute over GMRSD collective bargaining reps deepens. A downtown business finds a new home. Our editor and a canoer from Vermont walk and talk. TF football loses to Frontier. Our editorial praises the river cleanup and considers the legacy of our infrastructure. A letter writer from Haydenville blames many of society’s ills on female buttocks.
MoRe: History of the Farren, Part 2. What really happened in May 1676 at the Falls? The Agrarian Almanack describes the symbiosis between farmers and chefs. Nina profiles a Millers Falls artist and Renaissance woman. Wendell Free Library hosts a memorial display of a beloved artist’s work. The Montague Police deal with car break-ins, fighting skunks, and a wayward Chicken #29. Plus: more arts, events, listings, features, news, and photos than can fit into one Facebook update. Grab this week’s issue and see for yours