For size and copy specifications
download our current rate sheet (PDF)
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Why advertise?
There are many advantages to placing your ad in the Montague Reporter. Weekly newspapers have in-home longevity. Your ad in the Montague Reporter may stay around the house a few days longer than in a daily. By dedicating our coverage to Montague, Gill, Erving, Leverett and Wendell – something the larger dailies can’t do – you’re guaranteed a local audience.
Monday 12 p.m. for Thursday publication (+2 business days for graphic design services). Pre-printed inserts must be ordered one week prior.
Space Reservations
Space must be reserved by noon Monday. Changes to proportions will be made on a space available basis.
Our print run is 1,500 plus copies. The Montague Reporter is sold at local stores and by subscription.
Display ads: $8 b/w, $9.50 color per column-inch (5-column format)
Business Card ads: $10 b/w, $14 color per week; ads run on 12-week runs. Price $120 b/w per run; $168 color per contract run.
Commitment Discounts*:
- 4 to 12 consecutive inserts: 5% discount
- 13 consecutive inserts: 10% discount
- 26 consecutive inserts: 12.5% discount
- 52 consecutive inserts: 15% discount
Pre-printed Inserts: Maximum size: One sheet at 8 1/2 x 11 inches. We allow only two inserts per issue. Please call ahead for scheduling. Inserts must be ordered one week prior to publication run. Cost: $225 per 1,000.
*Discounts only apply when payment is made within 30 days. Discounts do not apply to national, business card directory or classified advertising. Discounts do not apply to broken contracts. Advertisers will be billed for any discount applied to a contract suspended before its term.
Copy Regulations
- In an effort to best serve our readers, The Montague Reporter reserves the right to edit or reject any advertisement deemed objectionable or misleading.
- Display advertising that resembles editorial content must be clearly marked “ADVERTISEMENT” above the ad.
- The Montague Reporter will try to honor requests for ad placement, but there are no guarantees.
- The Montague Reporter shall not be liable for failure to publish an ad or for typographical errors in publication except to the extent of the cost of the first ad. Adjustment for errors is limited to the cost of that portion of the ad that contained the error.
- Read your ad the day it runs. If it contains an error, contact us immediately. In the event that your ad does not appear on the day requested, it will be inserted in the next week’s edition. No liability will be recognized.